Tracey’s Angle- How You Can Beat The Competition

July 16, 2010 at 10:18 am Leave a comment


It's me!


Hey all, 

Freshman year is supposed to be full of discovery, excitement, and exposure. Meeting new people, soaking in all of the lectures that you can, and living life without as much parental control–so exciting! But what about job experience? Sure, you may take on a part-time campus job, but think of how much more productive you could be if you spent the same amount of hours you spend at that part-time job doing an internship. How great would it look to have an internship already on your resume? 

My current internship, here at, is my third. I had my first internship during my freshman year. Now I know you’re probably thinking… 

“Why would I want an internship so early on in college?” 

“Isn’t an internship a lot of work and responsibility to handle as a freshman?” 

“Most employers want someone who is really experienced…I am definitely under qualified!” 

All of the above are possibilities, don’t get me wrong, but think about how great it would be if an internship did work out for you early in your college career. Having an internship early allows you to gain experience before the majority of your peers. Plus, you never know until you try.  The job market is only getting more and more competitive, which means that for every internship you want, there are probably hundreds of other kids who are interested in the position as well.  Having the internship on your resume makes you a far more competitive candidate when applying for future internships and full-time jobs. 

One thing I highly recommend is to request college credit right away. I actually didn’t do this during my internship in my spring semester of freshman year and I regretted it. I put off getting the papers signed by my supervisor all semester long, and missed out on the opportunity. College credit for completing your internship gives you something else to show for all of your hard work, and can be a requirement at many colleges and universities. 

So calling all freshman…get ahead of the game, and rise above the competition by completing your first internship during your freshman year! 

Hope this inspires all the interns out there. 


Tracey L.

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Tracey’s Angle- Start your search for a fall internship Sweet Tweets

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